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Showing posts from December, 2016

November Favourites

So November is over, and Christmas is almost here. I'm not the biggest fan of Christmas, and I'm still missing Halloween. But Christmas means new makeup, and I'm all for that. I haven't had time to try new products (or the money), so most of my favourites are older products that I just can't get enough of. This month my skin has been so dry that products I initially thought I loved ended up not working for me anymore. If you live in Canada, you know how horrible our winters are (unless you live in B.C., then you don't understand). This year in Saskatchewan we've had barely any snow, and it hasn't been that cold. But since everything hasn't frozen over, everything hasn't died yet, so my allergies have been horrible. Favourites  My first favourite isn't makeup related which I know, surprising. It's essential oils. I never thought I would jump this hard onto the bandwagon. Because my allergies have been so bad I've been getting a lot